1. Data Controller. DEVON REX with registered offices in Viale Italia, 20 – Castelfranco Veneto (TV) 31033, Italy, in its quality as data controller (borgo asolo) which can be contacted at the following email address, informs you, according to European Regulation No. 679/2016 on the processing of personal data (“European Privacy Regulation”) that it processes the personal data provided by you (“Data”) with the following modalities. 

2. Ways of Data Processing. Data is processed in paper and electronic form in line with organizational and security requirements defined by applicable laws. 

3. Purposes of Data Processing. Devon Rex processes Data (such as, for instance, name, surname, address, etc.) collected from you, even online through its websites for the following purposes (i) to manage the possible sale of borgo asolo products and provide possible sale and aftersale services (including, for instance, fraud prevention, returns, guarantee and customer support) and, concerning online activities, manage the services offered by our websites, including the management of your information requests (“Contractual Purposes”); (ii) to comply with legal and regulatory obligations (“Legal Purposes”); and (iii) to send marketing communications through electronic means (including, for instance, email, SMS, MMS, mobile, social network and instant messages) or paper means (including, for instance, traditional mail) to promote borgo asolo trademark, services and/or products and send marketing communications 

4. Legal Basis. Processing of Data for Contractual Purposes is mandatory since it is necessary to register, purchase products and use specific services offered by borgo asolo. Processing of Data for Legal Purposes is mandatory since it is required by the applicable laws. 

5. Data Retention Period. Your Data is processed for no longer that is necessary to fulfil the above mentioned purposes for 10 years after the requested service. For the Legal Purposes, your Data is stored in accordance with the specific limitation periods defined by law Upon expiry of the above mentioned retention periods, your Data will be automatically deleted or made anonymous in a permanent and non-reversible way. 

6. Data Communication and Transfer Abroad. For the Purposes explained in paragraph 3, Devon Rex might communicate Data, strictly necessary to each purpose of processing, to the following categories of subjects: (i) employees in charge of the processing (such as Retail offices); (ii) consultants and professional and technical service providers (such as postal offices and couriers, legal consultants, etc.). Your Data are not disseminated. 

7. Data Subject’s Rights. You may always enforce your privacy rights. For example you may ask for a restriction of the processing, ask for Data portability and bring a claim before the Data Protection Authority, if the premises subsist.